Self Worth & Comparing Yourself to Others

More lockdown, coronavirus help and support in this week's YouTube video for you. If you're feeling like you're the only one not learning Mandarin, doing fancy yoga poses and going for a hike every day during lockdown/quarantine, I feel it too, especially over on Instagram and the other social media channels.

The idea that during this lockdown we are supposed to be our best, most productive selves, making the most of every minute and getting huge lists and achievements checked off is rife at the moment and can be unhealthy and pressurising! This is not normal times, and even during so called normal times, how much of our self worth is invested in our achievements and productivity? In this video, I look at whether the coronavirus situation can actually teach us a lot about ourselves, where our self worth comes from, and what we might want to learn and change during this time to end our addiction to being busy and keeping up with other people.

I hope you enjoy and for now stay safe, stay home and know you're not alone.


Seeing Things as Good or Bad


Three Tools to Calm Anxiety